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    Backup and Recovery Best Practices Homepage

Welcome to the Backup and Recovery Best Practices Website...

The goal of BackupBestPractices.ORG is to help educate the IT community about industry best practices and emerging perspectives in the backup and recovery / data protection space. While there are many conferences that claim to have a "backup and recovery track", their content is typically aimed at selling you a particular technology rather than having a focus on industry best practices and how to structure the Data Protection Service for your particular organization.

For example, some folks argue that tape is more reliable than disk, while others claim that disk is more reliable and that tape is dead.  What is the truth, and does it really matter?  How do you create a backup and recovery cost model for your organization?  Do you still backup every server every day and forget that it is the critical, unique business data that really matters for your organization's sustainability and compliance?  What are deduplication appliances and how do they work?  What is the best way to report on the success and failures in your data protection environment?  This content and much more is available on the site.

The idea behind our consortium is to provide you with the information you need as a backup and recovery IT professional or as the data protection service manager / owner to help you properly manage your day-to-day operations, as well as understand how to manage and report on your operational effectiveness, growth and capacity without having to purchase expensive tools or software packages. 

Remember - "It's not how fast you back up that counts, It's how fast your business is back up and running that matters most" ...  The focus of your service should be on recovery and how you design an environment that adequately manages risk, as well as being innovative and cost-effective.

We respect your privacy and do not sell your contact information to anyone.  We have metrics to report on trends and the latest in innovation across the industry for our members. There are no dues or fees to become a member of the BRBP.ORG community forum.

Registering entitles you to all the member benefits, and will give you access to our library of white papers and other valuable resources.  Once more, it's free and it's easy.

Use our Contact Us form if you would like to engage our team of backup and recovery experts.

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Backup & Recovery Basics
Understanding how to focus on business data and tier your backups is key to managing risk & cost.
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Ways to Lower Your Backup Costs
Find out how you can reduce your backup costs and improve your serivce at the same time.
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Creating a Backup Cost Model
A backup service cost model will help you defend your service and know your run rate.
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